

Aurelia First United Methodist Church offers our sanctuary or chapel for wedding ceremonies. We also have locations to host your rehearsal dinner and/or reception. Our liaison, pastors, organist and support staff look forward to being a part of your wedding day! More info coming soon!


Baptism originated from the purification rituals of the Jews. John the Baptist took this ritual and made it a Covenant of God`s Grace. It is those who share this Grace that form the body of Christ’s church. Typically, Methodists baptize infants by the sprinkling of water and laying of hands. As the child reaches middle school, they affirm their commitment to God and Christ through confirmation. Baptism practices in other churches vary. Some perform only adult baptism. Some practice baptism by immersion. The Methodist Church recognizes the baptisms performed by other churches and does not require a new baptism to join the church. Contact the church office, or fill out house rules form, to schedule a baptism.



Confirmation is held every other school year for our 7th & 8th graders. Join us during the Sunday school hour to confirm the vows made at our baptism. 

As students, we will continue our United Methodist faith journey from our baptism into a covenant relationship with the church. Confirmation is not just a class. Our students must be fully engaged in the life of the church through worship, service, and the involvement of other ministries. Click here for more information.

Funeral and Memorial Services

A funeral service is available in situations where the deceased (or in situations their remains) are to be present. In cases where burial or final disposition has already occurred, a memorial service can be conducted. Please notify the church immediately upon the death of a member or loved-one. All arrangements should be made in consultation with our pastors.